The 'Me' in Menopause demystifies the menopause by sharing real stories from members of the Women's Institute in the UK to help us understand this last taboo - honest reflections and insights, and things we wish we'd known!
The book has four sections:
The first shares the experiences of 14 women in their own words, highlighting the range of impacts that the menopause can have, from very little at all to really quite severe symptoms.
The second details the most significant impacts that have been reported by over 100 contributors.
The third outlines the advice that these contributors wanted to share - things they wish they had known going into this period of their lives.
The final section is a positive reminder that there is life after the menopause, with various benefits.
This book has around 13,000 words, so it's a fairly short, easy read.
The hard copy is in A5 format and 36 pages long.
The e-book costs £3.49 and the hard copy is £4.50 plus £1.00 P&P for UK deliveries.